Reflection about Issues that Arose during Mini-study
I have written down some reflection inspiration while I was doing the work. When I finished the writing, I recognize this study is really beneficial to me.
1. During the interview, I encounter new emerging. For example: I want her talk about the story of her and her boy friend’s family ( for the theme: try to understand how and why the local people act the way they do) , but she didn’t, instead of talking her English teacher. I think maybe the teacher demonstrates her impressive lifestyle. The participant appreciates so many Multi-lifestyles people can chose. This is what I have not noticed before. She inspires me to think about that. So during the study process, I have to keeping ask myself: what is the purpose and my central questions so that I can focus on, not distracted, because in the literature review and interviews there are so many new unexpected findings that distract my attention.
2. I found my understanding of the data is changing when I was analyzing and interpreting the data, The more I read, the more extra, widener and deeper understanding and imagination reproduced in my mind. For example: The participant complains some situation in Chain, first I accept. Later, I think critically. I judged she must experience some negative matters when she left China, so she has some complains and bias. Some crisis which she met maybe caused by herself. For instant, she said: “ I was very stressful in China because of certain expectations from family, from society, from neighbours. Everybody thinks you should do this, you should do that.” Actually, she graduated from the best university and had well-paid job in a large scaled company. Compared with her generation in China, she was very successful. Therefor, I guess it was because of her expectation beyond the reality. In addition, some phenomena which she described is universal for human being. For example, there is the conflict between parents and children in Chinese family, as well as in other families in the other countries. When I read the audio transcription, I ask myself: Is she right? Is it true? what is real meaning behind the words and sentences? Can I interpret in different meaning? I try to combine what she said with my knowledge and experiences to make judge. On the other hand, I try to avoid the influence by my experiences and emotion, try combine literature view to understand subjectively. So, I think researchers should have sharp view and subjective judgement.
3. Also I notice that word data is different from statistic numbers. Words are powerful and fantastic. When I read them, they create pictures, senses in our mind, causes feelings and emotions. Moreover, I find the research process is the process to find the logical relationship. For example, first, I am confused, I brainstorm and write ideas, questions, facts, figures, literature review note-taking. Then I analyse, like playing puzzle game and “forensic” , try to compare and figure out the division and relationship, rearrange my material, then I found among them, there are some relationships.
4. It takes me time to understand and revise the recording text, because my participant is non-native English speaker, In addition, I feel stressful how to transfer the spoken language of the participant into the written description. For example:
HM: She has chosen to be an ELS teacher. “Oh my gosh , you are used to be a lawyer! Why do you want to be an ELS teacher now?” But she enjoys it very much.
I am so emotional, very emotional, but he would calm down, and tell me why he feels this way, what should I do ,like, reminder me “you don’ t listen to me”, He is right, Then I say ok let’s talk about the reason why I don’t to do this. And you tell me your opinion and suggestion. So we comprise. And as I said I am emotional sometimes when I am sad, I tend to say, it’s enough, it’s no and no , but he would later on talk to me. “You need talk about it. you don’t.” I used to say: “should up.” That’s it. “shout up”. And he says , “how can you solve this problem if you don’t listen to other’s opinion. How can you understand me?” Ok, he is right. I should listen to him.
5. In fact, my mini-study questions are my own issues facing in new social setting. In other wards, I explore these questions and try to understand myself, people around me and the environment in which I am living. Therefore, I suppose when interpret researchers do their studies, their passion and care must be connected with their own inside questions and personal experiences. I have not done any research projects in my life. This new experience enable me to recognize important to read research works. I can try to use the research methods to explore issues in my life in order to help me deeply understanding me and the world, as well as improve my professional capability. As a result, these knowledge enhances my confidence. “ To understand is hard. Once one understands, action is easy.” (Dr. Sun Yat-sen).
1. During the interview, I encounter new emerging. For example: I want her talk about the story of her and her boy friend’s family ( for the theme: try to understand how and why the local people act the way they do) , but she didn’t, instead of talking her English teacher. I think maybe the teacher demonstrates her impressive lifestyle. The participant appreciates so many Multi-lifestyles people can chose. This is what I have not noticed before. She inspires me to think about that. So during the study process, I have to keeping ask myself: what is the purpose and my central questions so that I can focus on, not distracted, because in the literature review and interviews there are so many new unexpected findings that distract my attention.
2. I found my understanding of the data is changing when I was analyzing and interpreting the data, The more I read, the more extra, widener and deeper understanding and imagination reproduced in my mind. For example: The participant complains some situation in Chain, first I accept. Later, I think critically. I judged she must experience some negative matters when she left China, so she has some complains and bias. Some crisis which she met maybe caused by herself. For instant, she said: “ I was very stressful in China because of certain expectations from family, from society, from neighbours. Everybody thinks you should do this, you should do that.” Actually, she graduated from the best university and had well-paid job in a large scaled company. Compared with her generation in China, she was very successful. Therefor, I guess it was because of her expectation beyond the reality. In addition, some phenomena which she described is universal for human being. For example, there is the conflict between parents and children in Chinese family, as well as in other families in the other countries. When I read the audio transcription, I ask myself: Is she right? Is it true? what is real meaning behind the words and sentences? Can I interpret in different meaning? I try to combine what she said with my knowledge and experiences to make judge. On the other hand, I try to avoid the influence by my experiences and emotion, try combine literature view to understand subjectively. So, I think researchers should have sharp view and subjective judgement.
3. Also I notice that word data is different from statistic numbers. Words are powerful and fantastic. When I read them, they create pictures, senses in our mind, causes feelings and emotions. Moreover, I find the research process is the process to find the logical relationship. For example, first, I am confused, I brainstorm and write ideas, questions, facts, figures, literature review note-taking. Then I analyse, like playing puzzle game and “forensic” , try to compare and figure out the division and relationship, rearrange my material, then I found among them, there are some relationships.
4. It takes me time to understand and revise the recording text, because my participant is non-native English speaker, In addition, I feel stressful how to transfer the spoken language of the participant into the written description. For example:
HM: She has chosen to be an ELS teacher. “Oh my gosh , you are used to be a lawyer! Why do you want to be an ELS teacher now?” But she enjoys it very much.
I am so emotional, very emotional, but he would calm down, and tell me why he feels this way, what should I do ,like, reminder me “you don’ t listen to me”, He is right, Then I say ok let’s talk about the reason why I don’t to do this. And you tell me your opinion and suggestion. So we comprise. And as I said I am emotional sometimes when I am sad, I tend to say, it’s enough, it’s no and no , but he would later on talk to me. “You need talk about it. you don’t.” I used to say: “should up.” That’s it. “shout up”. And he says , “how can you solve this problem if you don’t listen to other’s opinion. How can you understand me?” Ok, he is right. I should listen to him.
5. In fact, my mini-study questions are my own issues facing in new social setting. In other wards, I explore these questions and try to understand myself, people around me and the environment in which I am living. Therefore, I suppose when interpret researchers do their studies, their passion and care must be connected with their own inside questions and personal experiences. I have not done any research projects in my life. This new experience enable me to recognize important to read research works. I can try to use the research methods to explore issues in my life in order to help me deeply understanding me and the world, as well as improve my professional capability. As a result, these knowledge enhances my confidence. “ To understand is hard. Once one understands, action is easy.” (Dr. Sun Yat-sen).
Reflection: Spritual Education
As a part of professional development, meditation and mindfulness help me cultivate patience. Attention allows me to be more present to the individual student, more aware of my student needs, attention my body language, eye contact and compassionate speech to students.
When I make the meditation on “the immeasurable”, I might include the people I am getting to know, extending to them my friendship, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. I am thinking of the marvellous qualities of the country and their tradition I am studying I am feeling gratitude for its particular contribution to humanity. I am extending my compassion to it, remembering the millions of people who have participated in this tradition of this country. Each wish for them is everything that I wish for myself.
My each meditation is a new experience. I approach each sitting as a fresh experience without preconceived expectations, with an open mind. I feel that I am beginning to change my mind.
This does not mean that I should reverse all my former opinions; rather, I overcome the limitations of the unexamined life and “the dangers” of habitual tribal thinking. Meditation has a transformational impact on my lives as a powerful sense of interconnectedness to others, the environment,and the universe.
When I make the meditation on “the immeasurable”, I might include the people I am getting to know, extending to them my friendship, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. I am thinking of the marvellous qualities of the country and their tradition I am studying I am feeling gratitude for its particular contribution to humanity. I am extending my compassion to it, remembering the millions of people who have participated in this tradition of this country. Each wish for them is everything that I wish for myself.
My each meditation is a new experience. I approach each sitting as a fresh experience without preconceived expectations, with an open mind. I feel that I am beginning to change my mind.
This does not mean that I should reverse all my former opinions; rather, I overcome the limitations of the unexamined life and “the dangers” of habitual tribal thinking. Meditation has a transformational impact on my lives as a powerful sense of interconnectedness to others, the environment,and the universe.
Reflection: Narrative Inquiry and its Application in Second language education
Narrative inquiry is the most appropriate way of exploring small numbers of participants teaching practices and contexts. (Clandinin and Connell,2000)( Barkhuizen,2008) However, in this research, there were over 200 participants in the program, which lasted only 10 days. Therefore, the researchers creatively employed a series of narrative frames to collect data on English teachers’ storied experiences. With the guidance of the structure and content of what was to be written, teachers were asked to reflect on their practice by articulating for recording, analysis and interpretation. The frames are narrative in structure and a narrative response. The completed frames tell a short story,a sequence of connected events and reflections related to participants teaching experience.
The strengths The narrative frame is a very useful data-collection instrument for gaining a broad overview of a particular area of study. The narrative frames enable the participants to write narratively and encourage reflection and ensures that researchers obtain the information they want. The structured data makes easier categories and analysis for researchers. The limitation is using the frames in this way has the potential to de-personalize the experiences of teachers, which is an outcome a typical of narrative inquiry, because participants by numbers, so anonymous data collected. Another limitation is that the frames limit the quantity of data that is collected. Participant may need to more space to response and more content to be covered. Thirdly, because the designed structure and instruction, participants write a list of unconnected ideas in response.
The researcher adopts an interaction narrative analysis , which pay attention to illustrate detail the participant’s interaction narrative story. The analysis or the positioning analysis ( Rugen2010 ) focuses explicitly on the language and discourse of the interaction , the identities of those doing in the interacting.
What is this research interested me is that the way the report is structured as a journal article. All the researcher’s data is only one short narrative talk emergent in interaction in a class , which is only short 41- turns interaction dialogue. In other words, the text consists of only one excerpt (44 lines). The analysis centres on identity-in-interaction by applying three-level positioning analysis. The discussion of the narrator positions is done within these three sections. However, it makes explicit what text was selected, and why, and shows in detail how the text was analyzed to achieve the researcher’s aims.
Employing the methodology of narrative inquiry, the researcher have a clear understanding of the context of the participant's life , collect rich selected source material, uses rigour analysis and self-reflection, gathers Yuko’s particular experience shaps the descriptive story as her research article. The study demonstrates how narrative researchers, a second language educator for professional development , explore issues in teaching practise, collect data, analysis, develop findings, as well as help students in acquisition of second language.
On the other hand, I consider the researcher shapes the re-story, it makes me a little confused whether the story is about the researcher’s story or the participant’s story. Of course the deeply analysis story makes me share the participant’s learning experience and the researcher’s findings. However, at certain level, I doubt the study is objective because their intimate relationship. Maybe the findings is not generalized for every English learns though it could help readers to share their experiences experiences in second language acquisition.
The strengths The narrative frame is a very useful data-collection instrument for gaining a broad overview of a particular area of study. The narrative frames enable the participants to write narratively and encourage reflection and ensures that researchers obtain the information they want. The structured data makes easier categories and analysis for researchers. The limitation is using the frames in this way has the potential to de-personalize the experiences of teachers, which is an outcome a typical of narrative inquiry, because participants by numbers, so anonymous data collected. Another limitation is that the frames limit the quantity of data that is collected. Participant may need to more space to response and more content to be covered. Thirdly, because the designed structure and instruction, participants write a list of unconnected ideas in response.
The researcher adopts an interaction narrative analysis , which pay attention to illustrate detail the participant’s interaction narrative story. The analysis or the positioning analysis ( Rugen2010 ) focuses explicitly on the language and discourse of the interaction , the identities of those doing in the interacting.
What is this research interested me is that the way the report is structured as a journal article. All the researcher’s data is only one short narrative talk emergent in interaction in a class , which is only short 41- turns interaction dialogue. In other words, the text consists of only one excerpt (44 lines). The analysis centres on identity-in-interaction by applying three-level positioning analysis. The discussion of the narrator positions is done within these three sections. However, it makes explicit what text was selected, and why, and shows in detail how the text was analyzed to achieve the researcher’s aims.
Employing the methodology of narrative inquiry, the researcher have a clear understanding of the context of the participant's life , collect rich selected source material, uses rigour analysis and self-reflection, gathers Yuko’s particular experience shaps the descriptive story as her research article. The study demonstrates how narrative researchers, a second language educator for professional development , explore issues in teaching practise, collect data, analysis, develop findings, as well as help students in acquisition of second language.
On the other hand, I consider the researcher shapes the re-story, it makes me a little confused whether the story is about the researcher’s story or the participant’s story. Of course the deeply analysis story makes me share the participant’s learning experience and the researcher’s findings. However, at certain level, I doubt the study is objective because their intimate relationship. Maybe the findings is not generalized for every English learns though it could help readers to share their experiences experiences in second language acquisition.